First exploration this morning: We went to Secret Harbour, where Larry and golf snorkeled. Now, golf was quite happy with that (in the process, gleefully finding out her "replica" gold Rolex Yachtmaster is, actually, water resistant!! [I had a hard time believing she would go in the water with it at all, if she didn't know it would "survive," considering what she paid for it]), but apparently Larry felt he had not seen enough sealife, so he wanted to go to Sapphire Beach, where they had snorkeled the last time they were here.
Unforunately, when they got there, they found the seas running very high, and the conditions were not ideal for snorkeling. But they stayed there for a while and enjoyed the strong ocean breeze. Since I didn't have anything much to so while they were wasting their time . . . .

I ran around collecting interesting pieces of broken coral and built a wall.

We had a rather interesting visitor to the beach while we were there, and I tried to lure him over toward me so I could have golf take a picture of me with him, but he would have none of that. Larry suggested wrapping a leaf of lettuce around my head and throwing me at him, which would have resulted in my immediate and personally undesirable dismemberment. Fortunately, golf vetoed that suggestion.

Okay, now tomorrow for the boat rental, since today there were small craft warnings with rough seas due to the strong wind.
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