Here is the Pacific Whale Organization catamaran boat that we headed out on at 8:30 Sunday morning.

golf catches a quick shot of me with the wake of the boat behind me.

Coming up on Molokini, a crescent-moon-shaped crater that is a nature reserve and therefore protected.

Aerial view (obviously not taken by us)

Approaching the area where our boat tied up and we were allowed to snorkel within a triangular area from the boat reaching out left and right to the cliffs where the landmass goes down into the water -- couldn't actually anchor or touch anything there due to preservation rules.

Here we FINALLY saw a few more yellow tangs and a few Moorish idols. But mostly we saw a lot of black Hawaiian triggers. These look pretty cool "live," as that white band on their bodies looks almost neon light blue in the water.

Here is a rock formation at Lana'i, where we headed after about 45 minutes of snorkeling at Molokini. It took about an hour and a half of boat ride to get from Molokini to Lana'i.

There we snorkeled for about another 45 minutes or so. It was very nice snorkeling in terms of fish seen, but it's hard to beat the manta rays and the spotted eagle rays . . . . . which, by the way, we never saw again. Larry told golf not to be unhappy about not seeing them again, as it was almost a "once in a lifetime" experience to see them at all!
After their return and another steak at home, they went back to the beach for the sunset (EVERYONE does this on the west sides of the island every night!), where this time there was a wedding going on.

golf again attempted to get big splashes of the waves breaking on the rocks.

And more color in the sky as the sun descends.
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