As tired as they had been the night before, golf and Larry really did not find it difficult to wake up early this morning. Larry went out and fed the meter while golf found the ice machine and a soda machine for her morning Diet Coke (only Larry drinks coffee). After making themselves presentable, they ventured out to a bright Hawaiian morning and went for breakfast.
The previous night, they had found out that a couple of places close to the beach in Kailua that they had been interested in had been rented since emails of a week or so ago, but the “horse ranch” (Open Palms Plantation) was still available, and with directions from Kitty, the owner, they planned to head that way.
First, however, the Wal-Mart visit: There is one in downtown Honolulu, but it wasn’t easy for them to find. But they needed to find it this morning to provision themselves (because the only Wal-Marts on Oahu are in Honolulu and Pearl City, both on the leeward side of the island), which endeavor, again, even with a map, was an exercise serving only to illustrate their ineptitude in navigation. They actually came upon it almost by accident. Supplies were acquired. Now the trick was to get from where they were to the Pali Highway to head over the mountains. Again, mission accomplished, but not the easy way, never the easy way!
For the ride, golf was pretty consistently looking at the maps (in spite of Larry’s objections, she bought a regular Oahu street map at WM – which came in VERY handy for the entire trip, so with respect to this acquisition, golf was right and Larry was . . . less than right). But she was so busy checking the map on the drive that she forgot to look for the Walker Estate and didn’t even realize the Pali Tunnels were coming up until the car entered them. She was crushed! She wanted to get a picture!! (So the only ones she ended up getting were heading from the windward to the leeward side.)
Traffic was pretty heavy coming into town as they were heading out. Larry again commented that he was glad they wouldn’t have to be dealing with all that on a daily basis – they can see bad traffic in Atlanta – they don’t need to go on vacation to be stuck in traffic jams.
Up and over the mountains and down the other side, taking a right turn onto Kalanianaole (!!! does that sound FAMILIAR???) Highway. Directions were perfect to find the place, nestled up at the base of the Ko’olau Mountains.
They met the owner, Kitty, and got settled in – it was a wonderful place for them to stay – golf considered it her own personal Robin’s Nest (minus the security and the Dobermans!).

A view of the entire house from the left.
Looking back toward the house and under the shade tree from the driveway approaching the studio apartment on the right side of the main house.
Our large studio apartment (with Poseidon, the golden retriever, the main dog on the premises)
Larry wanted to get interior shots before they trashed the place in their usual fashion, plus pictures of the outdoor "dining room" to the right of the driveway shown above, where they cooked out and ate nearly every night.
First, south toward Hanauma Bay to see if they wanted to go snorkeling there. (Of course, unknown to Larry but setting golf’s and my senses tingling, she and I knew we were going to be driving by Robin’s Nest in order to get to Hanauma Bay).
To explain a little geographically, in order to get to Hanauma Bay, we had to drive southeast down Kalanianaole Highway, getting closer to the shoreline the farther southeast we went. First past Bellows Air Force Station (the beach here is open only on weekends, they found out later). Looking at the map below, our ranch was where the yellow arrow on the left is. The blue line is Kalanianaole Highway. The red arrow is Robin's Nest. The long white stretch of beach to the right of the blue line (highway) is Waimanalo Beach.
To put into some perspective as to where we were heading, the map below shows a more distant view where the white arrow is the lighthouse where the lady was thrown off, and the green arrow is pointing at Hanauma Bay.
Okay, got all that?
As we (I guess I can say "we" now since I'm with them for this jaunt -- well, I was with them for most jaunts, but we'll get more into that later) progress down Kalanianaole Highway (I just LOVE saying that!), the first stop is Waimanalo Beach Park. golf has some advice for you if you go there: DON'T go barefoot! All those little black studded seeds all over the grass are SHARP
and if you move to what looks like clover patches, it's NOT clover - it's stickers!!!
But the beach is GORGEOUS!

I speak from personal knowledge . . . .
(This is going to take for-freaking-ever to report this! This is only the first half of the first full day there . . . . .)
Back in the car, continuing down the highway, we pass the gate at Robin's Nest. golf casually says, "Oh, there's the gate to Robin's Nest." She knows better than to ask him to stop now -- she knows they have to come back past it on their way back to the ranch.
The next location of interest: The Makai Research Pier (a/k/a Island Hoppers):

We passed Hawaii Kai Golf Course, and golf and Larry agreed to check into greens fees to come back and play there later in the week.
Next was Sandy Beach, which had really high surf and there were lots of surfers there. It too was stunningly beautiful.

Finally, we made to Hanauma Bay, which is a big park, pay to get in, try to find a parking place (we'd heard it's really crowded unless you get there early in the morning), so we just stayed there a short time, long enough for Larry to take a couple of pictures looking down to the bay, and we decided to come back when we had acquired snorkel equipment.

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