Look! I got a new toy! golf found a mini-size Little Bird on eBay (I think it came in the Japanese equivalent of a Cracker-Jacks box . . . . ) -- and she painted it to be like TC's Island Hoppers helicopter. Now if she could only figure out how to put a mini-engine in it and make it mini-radio control. Yeah, right.

In the meantime, just to let you know, we have also received the Ultimate Soldier AH-6 Little Bird that TC and I can actually sit in. Now golf just has to get it painted in the Island Hoppers colors, and pictures will be forthcoming -- but not for a while. She needs to receive the paint she just ordered yesterday -- and she wants to do it right, so she will try to be patient and make the paint job worthy of the object.

In the meantime, just to let you know, we have also received the Ultimate Soldier AH-6 Little Bird that TC and I can actually sit in. Now golf just has to get it painted in the Island Hoppers colors, and pictures will be forthcoming -- but not for a while. She needs to receive the paint she just ordered yesterday -- and she wants to do it right, so she will try to be patient and make the paint job worthy of the object.
If any more props arrive in the meantime, she'll take some pictures and add them here, of course.
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